Illustration by @musicallyeicki with the help of Midjourney.
Imagine the concept of being lost - not in the conventional, unsettling sense, but rather as a form of liberating discovery.
In a world where we are relentlessly guided by maps, GPS systems, and predefined life pathways, it seems that getting lost is often frowned upon. However, "Lost." invites you to explore the unexpected beauty and fulfillment that can be found in surrendering to the unknown.
Drawing inspiration from the tranquility and majesty of woodland landscapes, I use the lo-fi genre as a canvas to portray a vast, immersive space where listeners can lose themselves. The melodies of "Lost." are luminous, filling the sonic panorama, inviting listeners to slip into a contemplative state.
- Release date: @August 14, 2023
- Location: Paris, France
- Tags:
- Source: Hakosuka Records